Reiki is a non-invasive, completely benign healing technique. Reiki is a therapy often described as palm healing or hands-on-body healing in which a practitioner places hands lightly on or over a patient's body to treat or cure various ailments. As western medicine continues to explore alternative methods of healing, Reiki is destined to play an important role as an accepted and valued healing practice.
Reflexology is a complementary therapy that treats the whole body through the stimulation of certain reflex points located on the feet and hands. Reflexology stimulates the body’s own healing process in order to keep it balanced. Reflexology helps maintain and restore health and is a safe, natural and gentle therapy that can be used on anybody, including the elderly and babies.
Reflexology can be used for the improvement of general health and can be used to treat a wide range of disorders including: skin and respiratory conditions, migraine, PMS and menopausal problems, chronic fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, digestive problems, IBS, constipation, sinus problems, arthritis, allergies, back and neck pain, sports injuries, infertility, hormonal imbalances and more.
Personalized Foot Reflexology sessions, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Reiki Healing treatments
TENS THERAPY - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
EMS THERAPY - Electrical Muscle Stimulation
California state certified Massage Therapist
Professional Reflexologist
Reiki Master
over 22 years of experience
By appointment only
Phone: 818.941.0645
19030 Ventura Blvd.
at Massage Planet
Tarzana, CA 91356
Suffering from chronic pain and health issue?
Foot Reflexology the natural way to heal yourself
**TENS THERAPY - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
A safe and non-invasive method of pain relief
30 minutes $55
**EMS THERAPY - Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Internationally Accepted and proven Way of Treating Muscular pain/ Injuries!
30 minutes $ 55
What is Manual Lymphatic System Drainage Massage
why you need to try it?
MLD is a specialized massage type that gently assists the lymphatic system in maintaining the body's fluid balance, blood circulation, and immune mechanisms.
The system's network of vessels and nodes contains lymph, a mixture of water, proteins, immune system components, waste products, and other remnants of cell metabolism.
Today, people incorporate lymphatic drainage massage into their skincare and wellness routines given its detoxification and esthetic benefits. MLD proponents say the massage technique is effective for pain relief, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions (such as acne and rosacea), cellulite, allergies, headaches, and a long list of other issues. It’s also being used following cosmetic surgery to reduce swelling and flush byproducts of anesthesia out of the body.
MLD has become a popular spa treatment for skin care, managing season allergies, detoxification, jet lag, general stress reduction.